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Obama presidency still sparks community-wide celebration

Although Barack Obama was elected president nearly a year ago, the African American Studies Department and Community Folk Art Center are still celebrating.

His presidency has inspired ‘The Artists’ Response to the Symbolism of the Election of Barack Obama’ festival, scheduled for this Saturday at the Community Folk Art Center in Syracuse.

The free festival will begin at 2 p.m., with sculptor Mel Edwards and painter Napoleon Jones-Henderson discussing and creating art. A jazz concert featuring the Untempered Ensemble, Jayne Cortez and the Firespitters, and the Syracuse University West African Drumming Ensemble will follow at 7 p.m.

‘I’ve written many pieces based on Nigerian proverbs, and one that resonated with me was ‘A man of outstanding qualities is pre-eminent among his comrades.’ It applies to Barack Obama, and the festival will celebrate that,’ said Dr. William Cole, chairman of the African American Studies Department at SU and organizer of the event.

‘I’m very interested in exposing people to all types of advanced art forms, especially as they continue to evolve,’ said Cole. ‘Anybody who is open to new experiences and is willing to expand his or her consciousness will enjoy this festival.’

While the performances may not depict Obama or his election directly, each artist’s work will respond to the symbolism of a black man becoming president of the United States. The festival is intended purely for the sake of celebration and will not force a political or ideological agenda, Cole said.

‘Personally, I never thought I’d see a black man elected president in America. It was really inspirational and represented a significant turn in this country.’ The event is open to SU students, as well as the community and will offer musical and visual art.

‘The 2008 election was the first time a lot of college students voted,’ said Rosa Perez, a freshman psychology major. ‘It’s important to keep young people involved and interested in politics, and with a festival, people of all ages can celebrate.’

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